Feeling inspired by this year’s horticulture entries?
Why not grow your own fruit, veg and flowers at Backwell’s allotments!
Newcomers will be made very welcome.
There is currently only a small waiting List, so Register your interest with Backwell Parish Council on tel: 01275 464653
The beautiful Backwell allotments are located behind Farleigh Road near The George pub. The land is owned by Backwell Parish Council, who lease whole, half and quarter allotments to those interested. The leases are due for renewal in January at very affordable rates, and we have allotment holders of all ages, growing a variety of produce.
Keeping a plot tidy and productive needs frequent visits, time and effort, as the weeds enjoy the good conditions just as much as the crops. However, the rewards are considerable for mind, body and plate!
Please contact Backwell Parish Council on 01275 464653 or by email clerk@backwell-pc.gov.uk, to register your interest, or call Geoff Wells (01275 462627), to find out more and to be shown around.