Classes For Children And Young People

As well as the following, children are welcome to enter Classes 1-100. Children can also enter classes for the older age groups.  However, in such cases age will not be taken into consideration by the judges.

All children will receive recognition for entering.

Winning entrants will also be awarded 70p(1st), 50p(2nd) or 30p (3rd), which can be collected from the WI Hall stage in the afternoon of Show day, from 3.00pm.

All food entries to be nut free.

All poems are from “Yatton Junior School; Beetle Poems by Year 5”; written during lockdown 2021

Young People’s Photography

All photographs to be a maximum of 20 x 25cm, including any mount.

Up to and including 11 years

110My favourite photo

Up to and including 16 years

111An animal
112Human portrait or people
114Special Event
A trophy will be awarded for most points in the above section as well as for the best child’s photograph

All Other Young People’s Classes

Maximum size of entries 21 x 30cm (A4) unless otherwise stated.

Pre-school children

115A decorated paper plate 
116A painting or drawing 
117A sticker picture 
118A decorated biscuit 
119Something I have madeState size on entry form
120Something I have grown from seed
A trophy will be awarded for the most points in the pre-school section

Up to and including 7 years

Age will be taken into account when judging.

121A drawing 
122A painting 
123A decorated paper plate 
1243 decorated biscuits, displayed on a plate
1255 crispy chocolate cakes, displayed on a plate
126A Lego model not made from a kitMax base size 25 x 25cm
127A model from scrap materialsMax base size 25 x 25cm
128Something I have grown from seed
129A miniature garden, in a seed tray
130An animal made from fruit and/or vegetables
131A plate of foraged blackberries5 on a plate
132Something I have madeState size on entry form
133Village Show colouring pageSee download
134Handwriting (please write the below poem onto A4 paper as neatly as you can. Your entry may be decorated, but it will be judged for handwriting only):
Fly Firefly Fly

Flying in the night sky,
Brightening up the night,
Flashing lights above the ground,
Fly Firefly Fly.

By Izzy

A trophy will be awarded for the most points in the Under 7s classes

Up to and including 11 years

All cookery items must be on a plate, covered in a clear bag or clingfilm.

Age will be taken into account when judging.

1354 small cakesBaked and decorated by the exhibitor
136A decorated Swiss RollBuy and decorate
137Vegetables I have grownMax of 3
138An animal made from fruit and/or vegetables
139A miniature garden, in a seed tray
140Arrangement of flowers in a mugMax size 25 x 25cm
141Village Show colouring pageSee download
142A Lego model not made from a kitMax base size 25 x 25cm
143A drawing of my favourite subject 
144An item of handicraftMax size 30 x 30cm (may be folded)
145  A handmade greetings card 
146A poem or song I have written 
147Handwriting (please write the below poem onto A4 paper as neatly as you can. Your entry may be decorated, but it will be judged for handwriting only):
Firefly Forest

As you walk down the path,
little lanterns guide you in.
Transforming before your very eyes,
now a buzzing hoard of fireflies.
They flitter, flutter everywhere,
little stars all around,
Flashing on here and there,
a host of friendly fireflies.
Flying high and flying low,
hide and seek, here we go.
Like playful puppies with a lightbulb bottom,
a glorious group of fireflies.

By Sam

A Trophy will be awarded for the most points in the Under 11s classes

Up to and including 16 years

All cookery items must be on a plate, covered in a clear bag or clingfilm. Age will be taken into account when judging.

1484 pieces Rocky Road No nuts. Your own recipe
149Arrangement of flowers in a mugMax size 25 x 25cm
150Vegetables I have grownExhibited in a seed tray
151A piece of artwork, any mediumMax size A3
152An item of handicraft (any medium)Size on entry form please
153A handmade greetings card Max size A4
154A poem or song I have written 
A trophy will be awarded for most points in the under 16s classes
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