Show Rules And Important Information

1All entry forms must be returned to Heaven coffee shop, Vinnie’s, Rising Sun or the Village Club in Backwell or by email to  We can accept entries at any time from now, up until midnight on Monday 15th September. After midnight on 15th is too late (see rule 2)!
2Exhibits cannot be accepted on Show Day if an entry for that class was not submitted before the above deadline.
3An exhibitor may enter two exhibits in all classes except photography, but only one prize will be awarded to that exhibitor per class.
4Photography is limited to ONE entry per person per class.
5All horticultural exhibits to have been under cultivation or in possession of the exhibitor for at least 3 months.
6Exhibits in the other classes must be the sole work of the exhibitor.
7Floral art material may be purchased. Floral arrangements may be done on the premises up until 10.20am or can be arranged at home prior to the show.
8Other exhibits to be staged on the day of the show between 8:30-10:20am.
9On arrival at the show, exhibitors must collect their exhibitor tickets from the organisers’ table at the main door of the Parish Hall. A ticket must be placed alongside each exhibit.
Children’s tickets will show their ages but all exhibits are anonymous until certificates are awarded.
Please mark an ‘ X’ on your exhibitor ticket for any item that you are willing to donate to our sale at the end of the day. Proceeds will go toward next year’s show.
10The buildings will be closed to the public during judging (from 10:30am).
11Judges’ decisions will be final. When a judge so decides or if there are less than three entries, not all prizes will be awarded in any one class.
12Every possible care will be taken of the exhibits, but we cannot be held responsible for loss or damage.
13Please observe all size limits, as the judges do measure! The organisers reserve the right to rearrange any exhibit staged, to make the best use of space. Exhibits to be collected by 5.00pm please as we cannot store them.
14The placing of any entry will be regarded as acceptance of these rules.
15The show will close at 5:30pm.
– Prize money for winners of Children’s classes is available from 3:00pm in the WI Hall.
– Trophy presentation will begin at 4:15pm.
16All trophies are held for one year by the winner and must be returned one month before next year’s show. Contact details will be given with the trophy.
17Please note that no exhibits are to be removed *until* 4:30pm. Any exhibits abandoned after 5pm will be removed from the hall and held, if practical to do so, for 24 hours after which time they will be destroyed if no contact has been made with us.
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